Bo Yang is "ugly Chinese"

 Bo Yang works
□ chief reporter Liang Xinhui intern Zhang Junhui / text reporter Yuan Xiaoqiang / map

"My father, finally home, you can have a good rest!" Yesterday morning, a famous Taiwanese writer Bo Yang was removed from the ashes to Xi'an, Zhengzhou arrived. When his 66-year-old daughter, holding the urn Cui Yu-sheng,lancel soldes, enter Xinzheng City,abercrombie outlet, Henan FSY Long Town cemetery, softly, "Father," said the phrase.

Home "Ugly Chinese" along with demeaning

Yesterday 9:50,ralph lauren pas cher, open to Zhengzhou from Xi'an high-speed train arrived in Zhengzhou Railway Station. Two old car to come out,, they are the daughter of famous Taiwanese writer Bo Yang Cui Yu-sheng (hairy) and son Cao Changan. Henan Literary Federation Vice-President,chanel pas cher, Vice Provincial Writers Association, Dean of College of Sheng Wen, who greeted them at the station.

When riding cars, Cui Yusheng still clung to a shock box, which contained the ashes of Bo Yang. Car is located in Xinzheng City,louboutin, Long Town to the territory of Henan FSY cemetery fled.

An hour later, a pedestrian came to office on the first floor FSY "humanistic memorial", the museum placed Bo Yang's portrait. Cui Yusheng father's ashes into the casket, along with a bag,burberry soldes, as well as Bo Yang's most famous works - "Ugly Chinese people."

Experienced the death of two year-end return to their homeland

Bo Yang is "ugly Chinese", "History of the Chinese people," the author, the impact of the number of years of cross-strait Chinese humanities master.

Bo Yang (Guo Yi-dong) Tongxu born in Kaifeng County, a native of Xinxiang Huixian. To Taiwan in 1949, in 1953 published his first article in 1960 with "Bo Yang" in the name column to write essays. 1968 because of "Popeye" incident, was sentenced to death,karen millen soldes, commuted to 12 years in prison after the later was reduced to eight years. April 1, 1977 release. "Bo Yang on April 29, 2008 in Taipei died, he had a last wish: I hope to returning to their roots, return home." said,, this year on April 29, the second anniversary of the death of Mr. Bo Yang, People's Literature Publishing House in Beijing held a "Bo Yang Collection" premiere, Bo Yang Chang Shiang-hua widow invited from Taiwan arrived on the scene, and the "ugly Chinese people," the latest version of the Royalty 60,lancel pas cher,000 yuan,, donated to Yushu in Qinghai Province earthquake.

In this premiere,, saw Chang Shiang-hua Zhou Ming,hollister,, deputy director of Chinese Modern Literature, "expressed the hope that the next week will put Mr. Bo Yang Ling bone in his hometown in Henan desire."

said: "Zhou Ming consultation with me, I immediately coordinate with the relevant parties, with the consent and Cui Yu Chang Shiang-hua consent after birth, decided to Mr. Bo Yang's ashes placed in Henan FSY."

Ancestral Huixian, was born through promise, but the final destination of the election in Xinzheng, "mainly because this place is good environment for families to come and pay homage to the future." Cui Yu-sheng said at the time his father's ashes into two, part scattered in the Taiwan Strait Another part of her back to Xi'an. "Lasted two years,, his father's ashes finally returned to the Central Plains homeland, we are very pleased."

Behind tombstone engraved words only

"What is the word engraved on the tombstone?" asked. "Write only one sentence, 'is not singing the praises of kings, only common people that were so,hogan outlet,' written on the bottom 'Bo Yang, Henan Huixian people' on the line." Cui Yu-sheng said his father last work is published on the mainland. " Bo Yang said, "for the order,karen millen soldes, and the words in the end of this preamble, on behalf of his father's indomitable spirit and steadfast in upholding,, birth year,, just write 1920 on it. "Last week,hogan outlet, my family and I went to Shanghai saw where his father made a bronze statue sculpture, very good." Cui Yu-sheng said that on August 25, the statue will arrive FSY sculpture. September will be held and the ashes buried the statue sculpture unveiling ceremony.